Rescued Horses

Dont know how many others see the news on tv last night or the papers about the horse farm in the UK , where the RSPCA went in and saved a load of horses from someone I cant even find words to describe.

3 of the poor horses had to be put down straight away and the others are so terrified of humans, it will probably takes years of special care to try to overcome what this so called human being has done to them.

Its a truly tragic story and go knows why in this day and age , that there are people like that around. There is so much bad going on in the world with wars, how people treat each other etc and yet some decide to make lives hell for animals that cant fight back or call for help.

At least you know that those who now care and help those poor Horses and Donkey’s will be some of the nicest caring people around, and for that they at least now have a chance.

If you wish to help towards the fund for them:-

Call the RSPCA on 0300 1238484 or Redwings on 01508 481000.

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